FC Mix

Vacuette® glucose tubes contain sodium fluoride as a glycolysis inhibitor. The anticoagulants K3EDTA, potassium oxalate or sodium heparin prevent the blood from clotting. Depending on the test system, Vacuette® glucose tubes can also be used for lactate assays, with in most cases sodium fluoride being used in combination with potassium oxalate.

All tubes have a paper label.

The FC Mix tube is an evolution in the field of in vitro glucose measurement.

A classical glucose tube blocks the breakdown of glucose in vitro from a certain stage of the glycolysis. This gives the enzymatic reactions some time to break down part of the glucose.

The FC Mix tube, thanks to the formulation of the additives, can immediately block the glycolysis at the enzymatic level, so that there is demonstrably more glucose left and thus the in vivo concentrations can be approached / analyzed more accurately.

  • Additive consists of 4 precisely dosed substances.
  • The additive is a readily soluble powder, so that no dilution effect occurs.
  • Immediate blocking of the glycolitic enzymes.
  • Accurate approximation of in-vivo glucose concentrations (almost 100%).
  • Up to 9 mg/dl more glucose measured compared to a classical glucose tube.
  • Longer storage of the sample after collection: ideal for situations with a long transport (up to 48H after collection).
  • Ideal for an accurate approximation of glycemia with diabetes patients.

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