9NC coagulation tubes with sodium citrate 3,2%

Coagulation and CTAD tubes are used for examination of coagulation parameters. Coagulation tubes contain a buffered sodium citrate solution, available with a citrate concentration of 0.109 mol/l (3.2%). The mixing ratio is: 1 part citrate solution to 9 parts blood. In addition to buffered sodium citrate, CTAD tubes contain theophylline, adenosine and dipyridamol.

Sandwich tube:
A polypropylene tube is put in a PET-tube. Polypropylene is chemically inert and has aPTT and PTT values that are preciser than with glass tubes (almost no impact of trombocytes).

All tubes have a paper label.

The tubes contain sodium citrate solutions in concentrations of 3,2% and are used for assays in haemostaseology. The mixing of 9 parts blood to 1 part sodium citrate takes place immediately after the blood is drawn by inverting the tube, causing anticoagulation through the binding of calcium.

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