WASP: automatical inoculating + WASPlab (Copan)

Walk Away Specimen Processing
A revolutionary automatized inoculation apparatus for microbiology
WASP - a fully automatized working station for labelling and inoculating microbiological samples. All microbiological samples (like faeces, sputum, urines, wound swabs, …) can be manipulated by the WASP.
Liquid samples like urines and faeces can be inoculated randomly in combination with the eSwab when they are transported in a “CARY-BLAIR” liquid medium.
Copan’s unique eSwab will distribute the swab’s content automatically and spontaneously into the liquid medium, so that the inoculation works out as easy as with the urine. In short, rolling the swab over the plate is no longer needed.
The WASP: An additional value in the microbiological lab.
- Takes care of the dull and annoying work. In this way, the lab assistants have time to deal with important matters.
- Produces standardized, exact and reliable inoculations.
- Eliminates frequent “STRESS INJURIES”.
- Innovative mechanics ensures a great flexibility in management applications of different specimens and sample containers.
- A universal barcode reader steers the whole sample recognition process,birth dates, links with the L.I.S., which plates to use, what inoculation method, etc the right direction.
- Innovated and easy to operate software linked to a touch screen.
De-cap > Inocaluting > Re-cap
One apparatus processes all swabs, urines and faeces samples.
- Extremely flexible and efficient: 180 urines per hour (when using petri dishes with 2 compartiments), 180 nose- and throatswabs per hour and 45 woundswabs per hour (for example 4 plates with 4 diluting inoculations).
- A full “Walk Away” system: automatic decapping, inoculating and recapping, possible in a few seconds.
- Minimal lab assistant’s presence required. It takes approximately 20 minutes before the apparatus has to be filled with new samples, for example.
- Changes the apparatus to the “Streak only” method and the WASP automatically transplants all sub-cultures, like Rappaport Salmonella, Selenite and all enriched media like MRSA’s or GBS’es.
WASP benefits:
- Moves the inconvenient lab work to an efficient and fully automatic robot. The double “SCARA” robots supply a very trustworthy sample management with exact inoculations.
- Frees the lab assistants of work that is annoying and time-consuming and uses their knowledge in more suitable and important tasks.
- A “TOUCH SCREEN” and a well integrated bar code system allow to perform a lot of work in a minimum of time.
- A roundabout with an enorm capacity of 324 plates allows you to inoculate 324 urine samples on petri dishes with 2 compartments at once.
- 9 holders for petri dishes with an arbitrary access ensure total flexibility so that 9 different culture plates can be set up.
- Extremely convenient for both simple and complex inoculations in a trice. Ranging from throath swabs, urines, MRSA-screenings to faecal and wound swabs.
- The software pack allows you to choose from a library of inoculation patterns or if you wish, you can insert an inoculation pattern yourself that satisfies your wishes.
- Can be connected entirely to the L.I.S. or can function as a completely independent apparatus.
- Inoculates your full sample spectrum, but can be changed to a “STREAK ONLY” method by one push on the screen. This method allows to inoculate different subcultures (Salmonella, Selenite, ...).
Gramm preparation module
The automated Gram SlidePrep™ is designed to prepare a Gram slide, including permanent inkjet labeling of the slide prior to Gram stain preparation. The Gram SlidePrep™ further advances the automation of the entire cycle of specimen processing. WASP is the only instrument in its class to offer such a comprehensive automated solution.
Broth inoculation module
WASP inoculates instrument ready enrichment broths, such as LIM and Selenite, provided as part of the Copan LBM line. After inoculation, WASP's flexible barcode labeling arm automatically adjusts from its horizontal position to a vertical one, allowing it to place a label onto the side of a broth tube.
MLS is the exclusive WASP dealer in the Benelux.
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