3 June 2024

MLS Commits to Green Entrepreneurship with Ambitious Goals

The importance of environmental attention and awareness as a company is undeniable. That is why, we have taken concrete steps to have a positive impact on the environment. Our commitment is demonstrated by the tangible initiatives we have taken in recent years to contribute to a more sustainable world. 
Read on to discover more about MLS’s green initiatives: 

A New Office Building, Fully Prepared for the Future 

The company and its employees are excited about their new office building. This modern facility is constructed with sustainable building materials, resulting in an excellent EPC rating and optimal insulation that minimises heat loss. Additionally, our green roof not only enhances our sustainable character but also reduces our ecological footprint. It collects rainwater, which we can reuse for showers and toilets - a practical and sustainable solution in one. 
With ecological lighting, solar panels, and charging stations, we take pride in our complete infrastructure. These initiatives significantly reduce our energy consumption and CO2 emissions. 
“The best proof of this is our energy bill. If we compare our former building with the new one, its surface has certainly doubled, but our energy bill has not,” says Wilmer Verniers, CEO of MLS, proudly. 
“Not only have we replaced traditional thermal heating with an innovative heat pump, but we have also chosen triple-glazed insulating glass and smart sensors that automatically dim the lighting. These are just a few examples of the efforts we took.” 
All these energy-saving measures and the conscious attitude of all our employees towards the rational use of resources, such as water and energy, bring us closer to our goal of being a fully green and sustainable company. 

But There’s More

MLS is also committed to effective waste management, focusing on waste prevention through reuse and recycling, minimising air and water pollution, rational use of natural resources, and waste reduction. Sustainable processing methods are always given preference. 

We Make Impact

We strive for a leading role in sustainable entrepreneurship and environmental protection. The environment is given essential value in the company’s daily activities:     
  • Our company complies with environmental laws and regulations and remains focused on improving our environmental performance.     
  • We invest in training our employees to promote environmental awareness and activities, ensuring everyone automatically acts in line with our environmental goals.     
  • We are dedicated to continuous improvement of our environmental performance and policies by actively seeking and implementing the most advanced technologies, thereby achieving minimal environmental impact. Additionally, we integrate sustainability and ethical criteria into our procurement policy. 
This truly translates into a different way of working and, above all, increased awareness to:    
  • Work digitally as often as possible: much less printing and more online work.     
  • Organise short meetings online to avoid unnecessary car trips.
  • ...

2 beehives with significant economic value 

A last initiative that we can show off today is not one, but two beehives on the premises of MLS. They not only leave our green mark, but they are the powerhouses of pollination, allowing 80% of flowering plants a chance to thrive. 
About 70% of what ends up on our plates depends directly (fruits, vegetables, oils, etc.) or indirectly (forage plants for livestock, etc.) on that pollination. The economic value is enormous. 

Future Plans

As if that were not enough, MLS is also looking to the future. Soon, a battery will be installed to store energy from the solar panels and generated wind energy – all initiatives to contribute to a sustainable future as a company. 
We look forward to a green future with all MLS colleagues!

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