23 July 2024

A Look Behind the Scenes at MLS: the Technicians

For about 14 years, the MLS service team has been an essential link in providing high-quality service to customers. With a team of six experienced men: Hugo, Diede, René, Joshua, Rachid, and Michel, under the leadership of Ives, the technicians at MLS always ensure quick and innovative solutions with clear communication.

A History of Growth

For over a decade, the team has been ready to serve all MLS customers. The team has grown organically, parallel to the growth of the company itself. One of the reasons behind the team’s success is the fact that they enjoy working together and do it well. For this team, it is natural to be there for each other! During interventions, the proximity of team members’ residences is taken into account, and they communicate smoothly with each other on a daily basis…

Dedicated to Learning and Development

The team at MLS is constantly learning and improving. They go through a structured training program from the start, where more experienced technicians mentor new colleagues. In addition to the advanced COPAN equipment, they also follow other device-specific training courses, ensuring they have all the necessary technical knowledge to step in optimally everywhere. This way, the entire team stays up-to-date with the latest innovations and can provide the service MLS stands for.
Beyond their extensive technical knowledge, the team can be described as independent, highly solution-oriented, and clear in their communication. The timing of the intervention is communicated to the customer very quickly.

Responsibilities and Daily Routine

A typical day for a technician at MLS does not exist, as every day can be different. From scheduled maintenance and installations to unexpected repairs and on-call duties. Flexibility is key here. Moreover, they can find themselves in a different place every day. The technicians are not only experts in maintaining and repairing complex equipment such as the WASP. They also have extensive expertise in centrifuges and incubators or various smaller devices in the MLS range.

Characteristics of the Team

In three words, the team of technicians at MLS can be described as collegial, stress-resistant, and customer-oriented. Their close cooperation and experience contribute to the high level of customer satisfaction that characterises MLS. Each year, we conduct satisfaction surveys with our customers to further improve our service and identify areas where we can assist them even better.
Our customers appreciate our clear communication and extensive on-call service. These are wonderful compliments and recognition for the entire team…

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