Committed to care our clients health care people care

MLS, committed to care with accurate lab solutions and innovative microbiology. Experience our dedication and expertise.

Committed to care

Everything your lab needs, in one place

Driven by quality and customer loyalty: the story of MLS

Established in 1986, MLS nv has developed into a leading SME with a loyal customer base that includes even our very first customers. With a varied range of more than 15.000 items and a dedicated team of over 90 employees, we stand out for our commitment to quality, teamwork and customer-friendliness. This human approach is at the heart of our successful business in an increasingly rational world.

Why choosing for MLS is the best option

Working well together can create wonders. Find out what we have to offer!

Professional, reliable & personal service

At MLS, we always put the customer first and constantly strive to deliver the highest quality. Through our long-term relationships with customers and partners, we understand exactly what it takes to provide them with the best possible expert, reliable service. With us, every customer gets a dedicated sales representative and a committed point of contact within Customer Care to get quick and efficient assistance. This personal approach not only strengthens our partnership, but also the trust and quality we strive for every day. In addition to a Customer Care team, we have a team of technicians on standby 24/7 to carry out scheduled maintenance, installations, repairs and standby services. With their expertise, they offer support to every customer.


Large product range: 15.000 products

MLS offers an impressive range of as many as 15.000 products, allowing us to offer a comprehensive range within the healthcare and laboratory sector. Whether it concerns essential basic materials, advanced equipment or industry-specific products, MLS has the right solutions for your specific situation.


Delivery within 24H

With an efficient logistics structure and well-managed stocks, we aim to deliver all our common products within 24 hours. Urgent delivery needs are given priority so that you can continue your work without delay.


Detailed technical information

We understand that detailed technical information is essential for the right product choice. Therefore, we offer comprehensive technical data, scientific studies, and detailed brochures. We have the latest catalogues from our suppliers and, if required, we can provide additional documentation to support you.

Discover our latest news

Socorex promotion 3 + 1 free!
Valid until 30 June 2025

Socorex promotion 3 + 1 free!

Order 4 Socorex micro- & macropipettes and pay for 3! 1 free pipette (lowest price) to select from the Acura® manual 825 & 835 range.

26 jaar van innovatie en samenwerking: De reis van MLS en Copan
11 March 2025

26 jaar van innovatie en samenwerking: De reis van MLS en Copan

Bij MLS geloven we in langdurige, betrouwbare partnerships die niet alleen inspelen op de huidige marktvraag, maar die de toekomst vormgeven. Een perfect voorbeeld hiervan is onze 26 jaar durende samenwerking met Copan, een partner die zich heeft ontwikkeld tot een toonaangevende speler in microbiologische oplossingen. Camilla, Event Communicatie Manager bij Copan, vertelt: "MLS heeft zich altijd gepositioneerd als een strategische partner door unieke uitdagingen in de zorg en medische sector op te lossen."
Committed to care

Discover our brands in laboratory equipment and supplies

Browse our carefully selected brands known for their quality and reliability in the scientific industry.

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