- Datum: 19/5/2022
- Adres: Museumplein, auditorium 490, 1000 Brussel
- Website: https://www.sciensano.be/en/events/2022-symposium-infectious-diseases
Sciensano organiseert jaarlijks een wetenschappelijk seminarie over infectieziekten, met speciale aandacht voor surveillance, preventie, behandeling en epidemiebeheer.
08:30 Registration with walking breakfast & visit of stands
Session 1 | Chairs: Steven Callens (UZ Gent) & Denis Pierard (VUB)
09:15 Welcome address
09:30 New antibiotics |Rakan Nasreddine (ULB) & Hugues Malonne (FAGG/AFMPS)
10:00 Bigger and better? Impact of clinical laboratory consolidation on infectious diseases surveillance in the future |Olivier Vandenberg (LHUB–ULB)
10:25 Trends of influenza virus and other respiratory viruses during covid pandemic |Nathalie Bossuyt (Sciensano)
10:45 Update on PrEP in Belgium | Jessika Deblonde (Sciensano)
11:10-11:40 Coffee break & visit of stands
Session 2 | Chairs: Emmanuel André (UZ Leuven) & Steven Van Gucht (Sciensano)
11:40 Overview of the link-vacc project | Joris Van Loenhout (Sciensano)
12:05 Lesson’s learned from covid comissariat | Pedro Facon (covid commissariat)
12:30 Waste water surveillance for covid and future application | Marie Lesenfants & Raphaël Janssens (Sciensano)
13:00-14:10 Lunch
Session 3 | Chairs: Pierette Melin (ULiège) & Naïma Hammami (Agentschap Zorg and Gezondheid)
14:10 Investigation of an internation Outbreak of Monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium associated with Chocolate Products, April 2022 | Dieter Van Cauteren (Sciensano)
14:25 Outbreaks and lessons learned: following the floods in Wallonia |Tiffany Dierinck (AVIQ)
14:50 Past, present and future of anti-pneumococcal vaccines | Sophie Blumental (ULB)
15:15 The meaning of autotesting | Elizaveta Padalko (UZ Gent)
15:35 Drug resistant Shigella sonnei infections in MSM |Pieter-Jan Ceyssens (Sciensano)
15:45 Closing address and end of seminar
Registreer & meer informatie: https://www.sciensano.be/en/events/2022-symposium-infectious-diseases