MLS/Socorex promotion Qualitix & Acura pipettes 2022

Socorex Qualitix Tips & Acura pipettes

Offers on tips & pipettes!

-15%* on Qualitix® tips
-10%* on Acura® 825/826/835/855 pipettes, including Triopack & TwiXS pack

Qualitix® tips
• All types of Qualitix® standard, sterile, with filter, low protein binding tips up to 1000 μL and macrotips up to 10 mL.
• Available in bags, racks or ecological tipfill™ refill system.
• Wide compatibility with most brands of micropipettes.

Acura® pipettes & packs
• On the Acura® 825/826/835/855 pipettes, including Triopack & TwiXS pack.
• Effortless activation
• Smart and reliable volume adjustment
• Justip™ adjustable tip ejector fitting most tips
• Swift-set user calibration system
• Shock, UV-light and autoclaving resistance
• 3-year warranty


Promotion Socorex Qualitix® tips & Acura® pipettes


* Discount on Socorex price list of 2022. While stocks last.