MLS nomination Trends Gazellen 2024 - MLS-team

MLS nominated as Trends Gazelle 2024

We are proud to share with our network that MLS has been nominated as Trends Gazelle for the 9th time this year. We achieved the 41st place within the category of fastest growing large companies in West Flanders. Compliments to the entire MLS team and a reward for all our efforts in the past year.

This year, the editors of Trends Magazine selected 250 Trends Gazelles per province for the 23rd time. Figures such as growth in added value, growth in staff and growth in cash-flow over the past 5 years resulted in this honourable award. We also owe this nomination to our positive influence on the business climate and our inspiration for the sector.

The DNA of MLS is characterised by being proactive, always staying one step ahead of others and turning challenges into solutions. We always strive for innovation within our product range, without losing sight of pillars such as safety and uniformity.

With our new company building in Menen and a team of more than 80 employees, we are ready for the future. Our ambition to grow further and the will to differentiate ourselves permanently are great.

We would like to thank all our customers and suppliers for the pleasant cooperation and all our employees for their years of dedication.

Curious to read the interview with our business manager, Wilmer Verniers, about our nomination? Click below to read the full article from Trends.