Why are the prices sometimes mentioned per 1000 pcs?

The price of our products is very low, especially if you convert them to ‘price per unit’.

As example we refer to the price of the pipet tips. For this kind of products, we often talk about 0,004 € per piece.  Sometimes it is confusing if prices like this are communicated by phone. Therefore we decided to mention the prices for most of our products per 1000 pcs. As a result the price for pipet tips will be 4 € /1000 pcs in this case.

A fair question is:  for example, ‘what is the price for a package of 250 pcs?’

  • Price/1000 pcs          = 4 €
  • => Price/pièce           = 0,004 €   (4 € / 1000)
  • => Price/package      =  1 Euro           (250 x 0,004 €)