Closed on May 26th & 27th, 2022

We like to inform you that MLS will be closed on 26th and 27th May. No orders will be treated, nor will deliveries or collection of the goods be possible. Therefore we request you to order the goods in time. We thank you for your comprehension.

Closed on November 1st, 11th & 12th, 2021

We like to inform you that MLS will be closed on November 1st, 11th & 12th (official holidays). No orders will be treated, nor will deliveries or collection of the goods be possible. Therefore we request you to order the goods in time. We thank you for your comprehension.

Closed on November 11th, 2020

We like to inform you that MLS will be closed on November 11th (Armistice). No orders will be treated, nor will deliveries or collection of the goods be possible. Therefore we request you to order the goods in time.

New range: Vigmed® catheters

These catheters are produced by the Swedish company Vigmed ® (a recent acquisition with Vacuette/GBO), who concentrates entirely on safety. Every year approximately 1 million needlestick injuries take place amongst the 3,5 million members of the health staff in Europe. This shows that improving security is not an unnecessary luxury.